
  • 剧情 
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  • 玛利亚

  • 剧情 
  • 纪录 
    《比克拉姆:瑜伽、大师、性侵犯》审视了颇具争议的高温瑜伽创始人比克拉姆·乔杜里跌宕起伏的一生。20 世纪 70 年代初,乔杜里从印度加尔各答来到比弗利山庄,他很快就拥有了一批名人追随者,并打造了全球健身帝国,这为他带来了巨额财富。但直到 21 世纪 10 年代,随着大量性侵指控的出现,以及有关他充满攻击性、类似邪教的训练环境的故事浮出水面,诉讼开始增多,乔杜里的非法教学风格成为头条新闻。Netflix 原创纪录片《比克拉姆:瑜伽、大师、性侵犯》由奥斯卡金像奖得主伊娃·奥尔纳(《开往暗处的的士》《避难亦遭难》)执导,萨拉·安东尼(《神山》《反叛者》)担任制片人,讲述了那些打倒乔杜里的女性的故事,并针对这门疗愈性学科如何在帮助人的同时给许多人带来伤害这一问题,探索了其中的矛盾。
  • 欢愉

    尼基娅·泰伯格自编自导,基于她2013年执导的同名短片,讲述女主贝拉从瑞典一个小镇来到洛杉矶,追求她当色情明星的梦想,但实现目标的道路却远比她想象的要坎坷。   索菲亚·卡佩尔主演,除她之外剧组其他成员基本都是成人电影业内工作者。
  • 喜剧 
    两具僵尸不可思议地先后复活 ,他们决定找回失去的爱。但是他们没有意识到有一家公司正在追踪他们…   Two inexplicably coherent zombies awake amidst a zombie attack and decide to take a road trip to find the one’s lost love, unaware they are being chased by the agents of a ruthless company with it’s own agenda.
  • 喜剧 
  • 女浩克

  • 一位摄影师被派去拍摄山上一朵罕见的花,发现了被困在非法伐木者藏匿的妓院中的妇女。现在,他必须竭尽全力拯救他们
  • NBC宣布续订《帮帮我托德》第二季。
  • 科幻 
    战地记者麦特·艾尔曼(塔莫·潘尼凯 Tahmoh Penikett_dollhouse 饰)结束了多年在枪林弹雨中穿梭的危险生活,决定选择安静的生活。在新加坡某个狂欢派对上,麦特打算向女友杰希·麦卡兰(劳拉·范德芙特 Laura Vandervoort 饰)求爱,却遭遇一场突如其来的惨祸,二人双双死于人肉炸弹制造的爆炸中。不知过了多久,麦特再次醒来,却发现自己到了一个奇怪的空间。经过一条湍急的河流,他遇到众多死于爆炸之人,其中很多老者都恢复了青春容貌。短暂的诧异过后,麦特决心寻找失踪的杰西,在接下来的神秘旅途中,他遭遇无数奇怪之事,更见到了诸多历史上的著名人物。这一过程中,真相也渐渐浮出水面……   本片根据同名小说改编,并被科幻频道拍成四集迷你剧集。
  • 动作 
    A group of mercenaries are hired to overthrow a Neo-Nazi stronghold nestled deep in the heart of Texas only to discover they are protecting nuclear codes that could ignite World War III.
  • 剧情 
  • 纪录 
    Sir David Attenborough is to present and narrate a new landmark film, Climate Change: The Facts for BBC One. The documentary will provide an urgent look at the science of climate change and the potential solutions to this global threat, combining footage that reveals the already devastating impact of climate change on our planet with interviews from some of the world’s leading climate scientists. After one of the hottest years on record, climatologists and meteorologists explain the effects of climate change on both the human population and the natural world. Scientists, including Dr James Hansen, Dr Michael Mann and Professor Catherine Mitchell will forensically unpack the science behind the extreme weather conditions of recent years, which have seen unprecedented storms and catastrophic wildfires; as well as detailing how the accelerating rate at which the world’s ice is melting is causing sea level rises, and how deforestation is exacerbating the problem of global warming by adding to CO2 in the atmosphere. The film will deliver an unflinching exploration of what dangerous levels of climate change could mean for human populations, what is likely to happen if global warming exceeds 1.5 degrees and if major reductions in CO2 emissions are not made in the next decade. The documentary looks too at potential solutions, exploring the innovations, technology and actions the world's governments and industries are taking to prevent further warming and showcasing individuals who are creating change at grassroots levels. In the film, Sir David Attenborough says: "In the 20 years since I first started talking about the impact of climate change on our world, conditions have changed far faster than I ever imagined. It may sound frightening but the scientific evidence is that if we have not taken dramatic action within the next decade we could face irreversible damage to the natural world and the collapse of our societies. We're running out of time but there's still hope… I believe that if we better understand the threat we face, the more likely it is that we can avoid such a catastrophic future.”
  • 《Femme Fatales》杂志创始人打造的深夜档选集剧(anthology series),主角是那些强势、性感和危险的女人。  本剧启发于低俗小说、绘本小说、黑色电影、以及各种B级片,并以此类作品风格为基调,展开十三个以女性为主角且相对独立叙述的单元剧。
  • 剧情 
    一名植物学家花费了8年的时间通过太空飞船Valley Forge保存着地球上带出来的植物标本。当接到命令要摧毁标本并返航的时候,他劫持了飞船...